Modern Slavery statement
LCW fully recognises its responsibility to address and mitigate the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking in its business operations. This statement sets out actions taken by LCW to understand all potential modern slavery and human trafficking risks and to implement effective systems and controls in the management of those risks.
Structure, business and supply chains
LCW currently provides healthcare services to over 4.5 million patients across North West and North Central London and has been delivering those services for over 28 years. LCW is NHS Commissioned to deliver a range of healthcare services known as Integrated Urgent Care including 111 service, Out of Hours, Urgent Treatment Centres and Scheduled Care. LCW seeks to ensure that all staff employed are aware of their rights and responsibilities. We recognise the importance of being aware of the modern slavery crisis and have therefore also requested assurances from our suppliers in this matter to ensure that they too are aware of their responsibilities. Our supply chains include, but is not limited to, the procurement of agency staff, medical consumables, IT services, facilities maintenance, utilities, and waste management.
Our policy
LCW are committed to ensuring, to the extent reasonably possible, that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking activities of any nature occurring within our supply chains or in any part of our business. We operate a number of internal procedures to ensure we are conducting our business in an ethical manner:
- Anti-Fraud, Bribery & Corruption Procedure: Ensures that LCW’s business is conducted in an open, honest and ethical manner;
- Freedom to Speak Up: All employees are aware that they can raise concerns about how colleagues are being treated and raise concerns relating to our supply chain; • Recruitment & Selection: We conduct eligibility to work checks for all employees to safeguard against human trafficking (anti-slavery) or individuals being forced to work against their will;
- Equality and Diversity: Our policy outlines LCWs commitment to provide an environment which promotes equality, encourages and values diversity, eliminates discrimination (including bullying, harassment, and victimisation) and respects the rights and dignity of all employees and patients.
- Mandatory safeguarding training for all staff members and our Board.
Due diligence process
As part of our approach to identify and mitigate risk we will ensure that our supply chain have a valid statement, mission or policy in relation to slavery and human trafficking, where appropriate. Where possible, we build long standing relationships with suppliers and ensure that we only work with suppliers who treat their obligations towards modern slavery with the same importance as we do at LCW. LCW will review our approach every 12 months.